Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Junior Infants Rooms 1, 2, 3: Doctor’s Visit

Today the children in junior infants received a special visitor, Liz, who is a doctor working in Temple Street Children’s Hospital and the Royal College of Surgeons. We were all of excited to hear her speak about her job, and all of the wonderful equipment she uses everyday like a stethoscope, triangle bandage, and a reflex hammer. The children asked Liz some fantastic questions, and sang her a song they thought she might really love to hear, “Miss Polly Had a Dolly Who Was Sick.” This term, the children will be playing in the doctor’s surgery during their play time, and we will be looking forward to seeing them use what they learned from Liz during this time. All of the teachers and children in junior infants would like to thank Liz for coming to visit us!