Jun 9, 2017 | Junior Infants – Ms Larkin
If you go down to our school today you’re in for a big surprise, If you go down to our school today you better go in disguise! For every bear that ever there was will gather there for certain, Because today’s the day the Junior & Senior Infants have their picnic! Check out pictures from our Teddy Bear’s Picnic...
May 30, 2017 | Junior Infants – Ms Larkin
The Junior Infants from Rooms 1, 2 and 5 had a fantastic time on their very FIRST school tour! Yesterday morning, they left the school and went on two big buses all the way out to…. Imaginosity! When they got there, they got to play in all of the different play areas including at the garage, the super market and the doctor’s surgery. They even read the news at their own broadcasting station, and dressed up at the theatre! The Junior Infants were so well behaved and played so nicely with all of their friends and the toys at Imaginosity, that a lady actually stopped the teachers to ask what school they were from, and to tell them how impressed she was! All of the teachers and parents were very proud. Well done again to all of the SUPER STAR Junior Infants, and many thanks to all of the parents who ensured the tour was such a great success! To see more photos of the Junior Infants at Imaginosity please see...
Mar 30, 2017 | Junior Infants – Ms Larkin
Room 2 set up their very own Garden Centre last month in the classroom! They became gardeners, shop keepers and customers, bought and sold lots of plants, and even planted their own Irises! They are taking great care of them in school, and hope that they will grow if they give them all the things that living things need to grow, including water, food (soil), light and clean air. They learnt all about the different parts of the plant, including the seeds, petals, stem, roots and made their own flowers using lots of different materials. Room 2 really enjoyed reading the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and talking about all the food he ate on each of the seven days of the week, before he turned into a beautiful butterfly! Ask them to sing you their song about the life cycle of the butterfly! Room 2 also painted tonal caterpillars – making light and darker tones of colour by adding black and white to their paint. They printed beautiful colourful butterflies too and wrote their names on them- they are becoming so independent! Room 2 also read and acted out the story of The Enormous Turnip, and took part in a taste test in school, where they tried turnip chips, crisps, and mash. They decided that they liked turnip mash most of all! The room 2 mathematicians have also been learning about capacity – how much a container can hold. They have been using lots of new special maths words- like ‘estimate’, ‘pour’, ‘full’ and ‘empty’, ‘most’ and ‘least’. They have been doing lots of experimenting with water, soil, sand, and...
Mar 10, 2017 | Junior Infants – Ms Larkin
Junior Infants have had a very exciting week this week. On Tuesday we had a visit from a baby lamb! We had to be super quiet and gentle, as he was only one week old. Then, yesterday we had a visit from Garda Frank! We have been learning about people who help to keep us safe in SPHE, so we had lots of interesting questions for Frank. He even let us try and break his handcuffs – they were very strong! Click here to check out some of the pictures from our...
Mar 8, 2017 | Junior Infants – Ms Larkin
What a busy month Room 2 have had! They set up their own clothes shop, bought and sold lots of different types of clothes, and even made their own clothes using different types of fabric and fibre materials. They loved reading about The Smartest Giant in Town, and all the clothes he gave away to his animal friends. What a kind giant! They have been talking a lot about how to be a good friend in school too, and really enjoyed buddying up during Friendship week. Ask them to sing and dance along to this song composed by the author Julian Donaldson, and sung by her husband Malcolm. Room 2 have also been learning to become independent, and are getting really good at minding their things and being organised. They loved this rhyme about Three Little Kittens who lost their mittens! Room 2 have also been learning to give and follow directions and loved this song In, On, Under! which taught them all the positions they need to play ‘Simon Says’! During Literacy Week, Room 2 practiced their literacy skills lots- they love reading and writing, and are getting so good at these skills! They had lots of special visitors come and read to them too, including some of their mums and dads, some of the boys and girls from second class, and even Ms. Doherty, the school Principal! They really enjoyed dressing up as their favourite book characters on World Book day too, but Vinny and Ms. Larkin suspect their favourite learning activity of all this month, was making and eating pancakes on Pancake Tuesday! Vinny’s favourite topping was honey- what is yours? Well done everyone, you are...
Jan 18, 2017 | Junior Infants – Ms Larkin
Over the last month, Room 2 have been learning all about the community – the people and place where they live. They talked about all the different people who help them in their school community and their local community, including secretaries, garbage collectors, teachers, nurses, mechanics, vets, police men and women, and shop keepers. They also had a visit from two firefighters, who taught them all about fire safety and even let them try on their firefighting gear! They loved playing in the Doctor’s surgery, using all of their special medical instruments and words, and sang and acted out lots of related rhymes including Miss Polly and Doctor Foster. They did a fantastic job of acting out and ordering their new story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt as well. Room 2 have also been learning all about their bodies- how to make them grow strong, keep them safe, and how to draw them by using different lines and shapes! They made wonderful x-ray prints of their arms and hands in Art, and really enjoyed tracing around eachothers bodies in PE, and comparing their heights in Maths by making a height chart- have a look at them at work (and play!) here. Well done Room 2, you are Super Stars...