Nov 6, 2015 | Junior Infants - Ms Whyte
Recently, the children in room 5 have been playing lots of maths games to help them review their understanding of shape and space. The children having been colouring and printing shape patterns, as well as matching shapes to pictures. We even went on a shape hunt in our classroom, during which we found and drew as many circles, squares, rectangles and triangles as we could! To see more of our shape pictures, click...
Nov 6, 2015 | Junior Infants - Ms Whyte, News
Today, junior infants in room 5 were visited by Katie from the Road Safety Authority (RSA). Katie talked to us about being safe when walking near the road, when driving in the car, and when cycling our bikes. She was also very kind to give each of us a high vis vest which we can wear when we are out and about with our family and friends. Thanks so much for visiting us, Katie! For more pictures, click...
Oct 2, 2015 | Junior Infants - Ms Whyte
The children in room 5 have been exploring the theme of people in our community. One of the primary focuses of this theme has been an exploration around the doctor’s surgery through oral language discussion, nursery themes, fine motor activities, reading, phonological awareness activities, drama and role play. The children have had great fun singing and changing the words of the rhyme ‘Miss Polly had a Dolly Who was Sick, Sick, Sick,’ acting out this rhyme for the class and in the role play corner during playtime. Our favourite activity has been using playdough to make various objects found in a doctor’s office. Keep posted to see how we continue to explore this theme over the coming month! To see more pictures on this theme click...
Sep 18, 2015 | Junior Infants - Ms Whyte
This week room 5 were taking time to freely explore classroom materials and produced some very interesting work. The Junior Infants are really loving their new classroom. For more photos of fun in the classroom please click here....