Jul 3, 2016 | Junior Infants - Ms Larkin
Room 2 finished up Junior Infants at the café this month! They learnt new rhymes, and read, acted out and drew pictures about the fantastic stories of The Little Red Hen and The Gingerbread Man. They also wrote about these stories, making sure to sound out, and leave finger spaces between each of their words. Vinny and Miss Larkin were very impressed by their ‘give it a go’ writing! Room 2 also had lots of fun ag ceannach bia sa siopa as Gaeilge freisin during their stations, and went orienteering for bia as part of PE during Active Week! They went on a 3D shape hunt in class and around the school too, and loved learning their new 3D shapes song! They made the most wonderful, solid 3D cupcakes in art this month too. What 3D shape did they use for the cherry do you think? What about the bun? Well done to all of the SUPER STARS in Room 2, for working so hard all year round and being kind to your friends. You have all learnt so much and should all be so proud of yourselves! Many thanks to all of the super star parents in Room 2 also, for getting involved in and supporting all of our class and school activities this year as well. For more photos of Room 2 on their final month at school as Junior Infants please see here, and we look forward to seeing you again as Senior Infants in September...
May 27, 2016 | Junior Infants - Ms Larkin
Room 2 have been learning all about the seaside over the past fortnight. They have been reading about, painting and acting out the wonderful story of The Rainbow Fish and have been discussing all the ways they share with and care for their friends. They have also been figuring out ways they can care for the local environment, the beach and their two class fish Loveheart and Sophie. They made their own brilliant sea creatures during their Aistear stations using junk art materials and giant blocks, and created wonderful octopuses (octopi!) with two, three, and even some four step patterns in Maths this week! The Room 2 Historians have also been exploring beaches from the past, looking at what people wore and did a long time ago at the seaside, and learnt some seaside songs, as well as some rhymes and the tongue twister ‘Sally Sells’. Room 2 are great at it, why don’t you give it a go? 🙂 Sally Sells Sea Shells, By the Seashore, The sea shells that she sells, Are from the sea I’m sure! For more photos of Room 2 under the sea please see...
May 7, 2016 | Junior Infants - Ms Larkin, News
Room 2 have been super busy in their Class Hotel over the last few weeks, learning how to give a number of procedures, checking their guests in and out, ordering breakfast, and calling the receptionist, and the porter to help with their bags! They also made fantastic hotels as Gaeilge, with their very own fuinneoga (windows), doras (door), dian (roof), ballaí (walls) agus simléar (chimney)! Room 2 have also become great Mathematicians, learnt how to give and follow lots of directions, played Simon Says, and navigated themselves and their friends around Room 2! The Room 2 Geographers have also been exploring, using and making their own maps, and have really enjoyed hiding teddies and stickers and locating them around room 2 with their friends! They have been learning all about Kenya aswell and even made Maasai Warrior Headdresses using lots of beautiful shapes, lines, patterns and beads last week. Room 2 have also been learning and using lots of new reading and writing skills (can you remember any of your skills Room 2?) and have even started to use the class computers by themselves! They read a great new story ‘Peace At Last’- and felt so sorry for poor Daddy bear, they made him a new class quilt to keep him warm in case he has to sleep outside again! One of their favourite new rhymes about sleeping is ‘Are You Sleeping Brother John‘ – they liked it so much in fact, that they even learnt it in French ‘Frére Jacques‘ ! Well done Room 2, vous êtes fantastique (you are fantastic!) For more photos of the Room 2 Super Stars please see...
Apr 20, 2016 | Junior Infants - Ms Larkin, News
Room 2 have been very busy over the past month learning all about school. They had a mini-school in their classroom, where they played the role of Prinicpal, Teacher, Student and Secretary, and did a brilliant job of interviewing their school Secretary Karen, asking her clever questions about what her job in the school community is like. They went on a ‘5 senses’ hunt around the school, investigating the smells, sights, sounds, textures and tastes to be found in the school building, and even made it into the staff-room! Room 2 have also been discussing the time, and learnt some new songs (‘This is the way we go to school‘ and ‘I went to school one morning…’), to help them order their day from morning to nighttime. They have also been learning lots of new skills to help them become great readers and writers, and can now give a procedure (a set of instructions) to a new girl starting school, on how to come into school in the morning. Well done Room 2, you are brilliant students, secretaries, principals, and teachers! For more photos of Room 2 busy at work and play, please see...
Mar 16, 2016 | Junior Infants - Ms Larkin
Room 2 had a great time celebrating Literacy Week and have become brilliant story tellers! They created their own wonderful mini-story books, making sure to include characters, a setting, a problem, solution and ending, and really enjoyed having the mums, dads, and First Class children come in and read stories to them. They re-enacted the story of ‘The Enormous Turnip’ in their puppet theatres, dressed up for World Book Day, and took part in a costume parade with all of their friends (and teachers!) in Rooms 1 and 5. During Seachtain na Gaeilge the children made an extra effort to bí ag labhairt as Gaeilge (speaking Irish), and did a fantastic job of showing their families all the learning they have been doing in school trí Gaeilge on Lá Glás. As part of the week’s activities, they also printed shamrocks using apples, had a céilí in class, and were visited by Second Class children who taught them all about the Irish flag- can you remember what the three colours on the flag stand for? Maith sibh Seomra a dó, tá sibh ar fheabhas (you are wonderful) and míle buíochas (huge thanks) to all the parents and grandparents for taking such an active role in school activities over the last term. Happy holidays to all! For more photos of Room 2 at work and play please see...
Feb 25, 2016 | Junior Infants - Ms Larkin
Room 2 have been learning all about caterpillars and the life-cycle of the butterfly over the last two weeks. They read the fantastic story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, painted patterned caterpillars changing the colour from light to dark by mixing in black or white paint, build giant caterpillars and cocoons using their big blocks, and re-created the life-cycle of the butterfly in marla. They learnt a song about the Life-cycle of the Butterfly and put some actions to it, and a nursery rhyme called ‘Mary Mary Quite Contrary’ who grew lots of lovely flowers in her garden. They all chose a favourite flower during circle time – what is your favourite flower? Room 2 are also learning all about capacity, and have been experimenting with different containers to see which ones can hold more or less than others. They are getting really good at ordering containers from empty to full, and have been filling and experimenting with their flower pots and watering cans in the Garden Centre all week! The Junior Infants have gotten so good at their hand-writing and numbers, that they have also begun to use copybooks to keep all their fantastic work in- well done Room 2 on another super week of learning! Check out more pictures of them at work...