Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Senior Infants Room 5: Music Lesson

Room 5 had great fun using percussion instruments to create some of the sounds we might hear in a construction site. We finished off the lesson with a lovely song. Thanks to Ms Rattigan who was wonderful on the keyboard!

Junior Infants Room 2: Maths Week Shape Art

For maths week, the children in Room 2 created wonderful works of art using shapes. Each child created their own shape man or woman using colouring cut outs. This activity allowed the children to integrate their learning in maths, art, and science. Have a look in the gallery for more examples of the children’s...

Senior Infants Room 5: Maths Week Activities

During Maths Week, Room 5 made amazing animals from 2-D shapes. We used circles, rectangles, triangles and squares to make cats, fish, butterflies and cows to name but a few. The children used the selection of shapes so cleverly to make their animals. Click here to view some more photographs…...