Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

First Class Room 9: Interview with Mrs Allison Carter

First class have been learning all about the very important people in our school community. There are so many people that work tirelessly to make our school a happy and safe place to be. There’s Ms Doherty our principal, Karen our school secretary and John our caretaker to name but a few. But did you know that there is a very important group of people who work hard for our school when we are in school and when we go home. They are the parents association led by the chairperson, Mrs Allison Carter. Can you think of some of the fun things the parent’s association have organised for us? There are so so many! Below is a list of things that Room 9 could remember from the last year. Family fun day Design a card Shoebox appeal Write a card Valentine’s disco Cake sake Sponsored walk Shamrock pots Bingo The list is endless! First class recently invited the chairperson, Mrs Allison Carter, in to our class to ask her some very important questions. Below is a photo of Allison in Room 8 with Ms Bates and Room 9. For photos of Allison’s visit and of the recent bingo event, please click...
Senior Infants Room 7: Science Week 2016

Senior Infants Room 7: Science Week 2016

Last week was science week in our school and Room 7 were lucky enough to participate in lots of exciting experiments with Dr. David Fitzpatrick. First, we put on lab coats and goggles. We felt like real scientists! Our first investigation involved testing food for starch. We discovered that when iodine was added to cornflakes and bread the food turned black. This indicated that starch was present, meaning these foods give us lots of energy. Then we tested different drinks for protein – 7up, orange juice, milk and water.  The milk turned purple straight away so we knew it contained loads of protein. This is why we drink milk to make us big and strong. The next day we wrote a procedure telling someone how to test a food for starch. We are getting really good at using procedural language like first, then, and finally. During science week we also got learn lots of things about our body and our senses. We have 5 senses – do you think you can name them? We played lots of fun games exploring our senses – check out the photos to see...

Senior Infants Room 4: Science Week

We had so much fun during Science Week. We loved going to the hall and figuring out which foods were healthy and unhealthy , with the scientists. We also did an experiment back in our classroom. We made predictions, conducted the experiment and recorded our findings. It was really fun watching it explode. Take a look at our photographs...

First Class Room 9: Science with David Fitzpatrick

Science Week took place in Citywest & Saggart CNS from the 14th November 2016 – 18th November 2016. We were lucky enough to have Dr David Fitzpatrick from the National University of Ireland to join us! David and his science team really got us working scientifically during the workshop. We used the following scientific skills: Predicting Observing Experimenting Questioning Recording and communicating First we tested bread, cornflakes and mushrooms with iodine. We used a pipette. We wanted to find out which food went black. If the food went black it meant that it had lots of energy in it for us and was good to eat. The cornflakes and the bread went black. The mushroom didn’t. David told us that this did not mean the mushroom was bad for us, but that it might not necessarily give us much energy to do fun things like playing. Better off sticking to bread and cornflakes. Mushrooms do have lots of vitamins and minerals. We then tested orange juice, water and yogurt for vitamin C. The orange juice was the only liquid that had vitamin C. Although it only had a very small amount. David said he would contact the people who make the juice to ask them why there was so little vitamin C in the orange juice. Let’s hope he gets an answer! Lastly David and a very special helper, made the famous elephant toothpaste for us! It was fantastic. The photo is below. For more photos please click...

First Class Room 8: Science Week

What a week we’ve had! Room 8 had so much fun being scientists for Science Week. On Tuesday Dr. Dave from Maynooth university visited the very lucky children in our school. We were each given lab coats and goggles to protect our clothes and eyes. Dr. Dave told us the importance of healthy eating (makes us strong) we then experimented on lots of different foods such as bread, mushrooms, and cornflakes to see which one had energy  (starch). We were amazed that the high energy food turned black after we dropped a special solution on them (iodine). We then tested drinks for protein and no surprise that milk came out on top.   On Wednesday and Thursday Ms Bates introduced us to magnets! We learned so much by freely exploring magnets. We watched a video and found out that if two of the same sides of the magnet are put together they will repel each other. Did you know? the earth is one giant magnet as there is nickel and iron in the middle of the earth! How cool is that! BIG THANK YOU TO DR. DAVID FITZPATRICK AND HIS ASSISTANTS….. WE LOVE SCIENCE! For more photos click...

Junior Infants Room 5: We Are Scientists!

To celebrate national Science Week Room 5 have become scientists! We have been doing lots of scientific thinking and investigations using magnets, exploring different magnetic materials. We have also been discussing the pushing and pulling forces created by magnets. Today we were lucky enough to have a visit from Dr. David Fitzpatrick (Zoe’s Dad) who helped us to conduct experiments. We used iodine to test our favourite foods for starch – this gives us lots of energy. We tested bread, cornflakes and mushrooms. Which ones do you think contained starch? Next, we tested milk, water and 7up for protein. Dr. David explained that protein helps us to grow big and strong. Which one do you think contains protein? Milk of course! Room 5 have learned lots of different skills and week and have had fun being scientists – thank you Dr. David! For more photo’s of us doing our experiments click...