Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Senior Infants Room 4: Long, Longer and Longest

We spent the month of October learning all about lenght. We found items which were longer and shorter. We then learned about the longest. We enjoyed ordering all of the teddy bears from the shortest to the longest. We loved measuring our books and pencils with unifix cubes. We used lollipop sticks to measure longer items like the tables, the mat and even each other! Take a look at some of our photos here!  ...

Junior Infants: Visit from the Vet

The Junior Infants had a special visitor in last week… a Vet! Dr. Hugh showed the children lots of pictures of the different types of animals he treats, and explained some of the ways he helps to make them better when they are sick. The Junior Infants asked him lots of great questions, such as how do you become a vet, and how can they care for and help animals. Dr. Hugh showed the children some of the special equipment he uses to help animals, such as a stethoscope, and asked the children to mind and care for two pet goldfish for him- they must feed them, clean their water, and make sure they have enough air and light to be healthy and grow. The fish are in Room 2 – feel free to pop in to see how they are getting on 🙂 For more photos of the Junior Infants from Rooms 1, 2 and 5, please see...

Junior Infants Room 2: Fruit and Veg shop

The Junior Infants have been running their own Fruit and Veg shop in Room 2 over the last month! They have been buying, selling, and weighing lots of fruit and vegetables during their playtime stations, and even printed lovely pictures using the shapes and colours of the different foods during Art. They have been reading and acting out the story of Handa’s Surprise, singing songs about food (they really love the One Potato song!) and talking all about their favourite food. Room 2 have also been doing lots of experiments in Maths and Science, measuring, weighing, and learning all about magnets and electricity. They became Safety Officers, investigated all the different ways we use electricity in school and at home, and even helped Ms. Larkin and Vinny to point out ways to keep their classroom and school safe- can you remember any of the rules we came up with Room 2? (Don’t put fingers near sockets or wires, and keep water away from ALL electrical things!) To celebrate all the good learning they have been doing, Vinny gave all the children balloons to make electricity with, by rubbing them off their hair 🙂 Room 2 really enjoyed having all their family members and friends in to their classroom for their Welcoming Ceremony, and had a little fashion show to celebrate the Midterm on Friday! They have been working so hard and really deserve their break, well done everyone! To see more photos of Room 2  busy at work & play, please see...

First Class Room 8: Architects

Today in art Room 8 sketched the school building. As India is our theme for the month we looked at school buildings in India. Emma thinks that many of the schools in India look very big. Ms Bates, gave us the task of sketching the school building. We each got clipboard and sheet of paper, we went outside and observed the school then sketched for 5 minutes. Even though our school building is very large with many windows, we did a fantastic job! Click here for...

First Class: Lights, Camera, FREEZE!

We had so much fun today in class doing drama. Ms. Bates read us a story during the week where the main character of the story Leela and Tig’ was feeling jealous. We discussed a time when we felt jealous and decided that it was important that even when your feeling jealous you must still try to be a good friend. We worked in groups to create freeze frames. Our freeze frames had to depict a scenario when we might feel jealous. It was so much fun!! (pictures to...

First Class Room 8: Counting in 2s

The children in Room 8 have been working very hard on their counting. Since coming in to first class the children have learned how to count in 2s! Just last week, during maths stations they children noticed that all the numbers which we say when counting in 2s are EVEN numbers. Even numbers are numbers that are paired. e.g. 2=1+1, 4=2+2 We used this fun and catchy song to help us count in 2s We wonder if it will be tricky to count in...