Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Junior Infants Room 2: The Clothes Shop

Room 2 have been learning all about the clothes shop this week. They made shopping lists, wonderful clothes out of different materials, and used their money (1, 2 and 5 cents) to buy their friends presents, checking the clothes were the right size, and not too big or small. They learnt a new rhyme about three little kittens who lost their mittens, made their own set of patterned mittens and created waterproof coats for Vinny so he doesn’t get wet in that rainy weather we’ve been having recently… especially now that we can make rain in room 2 with our rainmakers! Room 2 have been learning lots about the weather and decided it rains a LOT during the Winter season in Ireland! For more photos of them at work and play see...

First Class Room 8: Maths 4 Fun

What a fun day we had today! 5 Parents came in to our classroom and played some games with us. Some of the games included Telling the Time Bingo, Score a Goal, Snakes and Ladders, Close the Box and Pop to the Shops. In room 8 we cannot wait for our next Maths 4 Fun day on 3rd February. Thank you to all the Parents who took time out of their day to play with us today! Maths really is fun!! Take a look at our photographs...

First Class Room 9: Maths 4 Fun!

Room 9 had some very special visitors to the classroom today! There were some parents of the boys and girls in first class – Mara, Allison, Adele and Monika. They played some fun maths games with us – Goldilocks Snakes and Ladders, Close the Box, Tell the Time, Score the Goal and Gone Shopping! It was such fun having these visitors to the classroom and we hope to have some more parents come into us over the next few weeks. Thank you! For more photos please click...

Senior Infants Room 7: The Life Cycle of a Frog

We have been learning all about the life cycle of a frog. We learned about frog spawn, tadpoles, froglets and adult frogs. Did you know frogs have ears behind their eyes? We learned that frogs hibernate during winter. We wrote our own book with frog facts inside. During art we have being making lighter and darker shades, so we painted a frog by mixing black with green for a dark green and white with green for a light green. Take a look at our pictures...

Senior Infants Room 4: Space and Planets

We have been learning about Space and the Solar System. During our playtime we get the chance to be astronauts and fly a rocket to different planets. We can also play aliens and the astronauts who landed on our planet have been asking us lots of interesting questions about life on our planet. We also learnt about the first man who walked on the moon. Ask us to tell you about the moon and the names of the men who flew the Apollo 11 to the moon. We have had great fun exploring the Solar System in our rocket. Please click here to see some more...

Senior Infants Room 3: Our First Online Storybook!

Senior Infants have been studying the narrative genre in both our oral language lessons and in our writing. We have been focusing on characters and the setting of stories. Using the website, we created our own online storybook! Our characters included Tom and Isabelle and they visited a number of different settings. Click here to see our first online storybook! Why not try it yourself?  ...