Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Senior Infants Rooms 3, 4 and 7: Road Safety

On Friday all of the children in Senior Infants welcomed a very special visitor. Katie from the Road Safety Authority came to Citywest & Saggart CNS to talk to us about road safety. We listened to a story about a boy called Simon, we talked about how we can cross the road safely and then we sang our song about the Safe Cross Code.   Please click here to listen to the Safe Cross Code song. The RSA have also produced a leaflet summarising key safety points for getting to school. Please click here to view the...

Junior Infants Room 2: Autumn Adventures

Room 2 have had another busy week, making lots of sets and patterns, sorting 1, 2 and 5 cent coins, reading and acting out ‘The Gruffalo’ with their strong speaking voices and learning all  about the Autumn season. They learnt a new song about the colours of the Autumn Leaves and created lovely Autumn animals and trees with leaves! Room 2 have also been learning about electricity, and the dangers associated with it, and were visited on Friday by Katie from the Road Safety Authority who gave them high-vis jackets and taught them the Safe Cross Code! They have also been learning about their 5 senses (eyes for seeing, ears for hearing, nose for smelling, tongue for tasting and hands for touching!), and did a taste test identifying salty, sugary, bitter and sour food – some of which they liked 🙂 more than others 🙁 !   To see more pictures of their Autumn Adventures this week please see...

Junior Infants Room 5: Maths Games

Recently, the children in room 5 have been playing lots of maths games to help them review their understanding of shape and space. The children having been colouring and printing shape patterns, as well as matching shapes to pictures. We even went on a shape hunt in our classroom, during which we found and drew as many circles, squares, rectangles and triangles as we could! To see more of our shape pictures, click...

Junior Infants Room 5: Road Safety Visit

Today, junior infants in room 5 were visited by Katie from the Road Safety Authority (RSA). Katie talked to us about being safe when walking near the road, when driving in the car, and when cycling our bikes. She was also very kind to give each of us a high vis vest which we can wear when we are out and about with our family and friends. Thanks so much for visiting us, Katie! For more pictures, click...

First Class Room 8: Science Expedition

On Thursday, the boys and girls in Room 8 and 9 attended a science expedition in their very own class room. The children got to see the three main elements of science (biology, physics and chemistry) in action. In room 8, our favourite experiment was making elephant toothpaste, especially the part when it flowed out of the bottle like a volcano. We also enjoyed seeing static electricity make Barbie’s hair stand on top of her head. Did you know that if you put some cornflour into water and hit it to make it splash, it simply won’t? The scientist told us that this is because the liquid (cornflour and water) has high viscosity. Cool! For more pictures of our science expedition click...

Junior Infants Room 2: Maths Week

Room 2 have had a brilliant Maths Week! They learnt a new song  ‘One Potato, Two Potato’ , counted their potatoes and used them to print in art! They weighed lots of things (including one young lady’s shoe!) and ordered them from lightest to heaviest. They went on a shape hunt around the school and used their maths eyes to spot shapes and make shape people, lovely 2-colour patterns with stickers, and programmed bee-bots to move, predicting how many steps they would need to take to get to their neighbour! Room 2 are getting really good at sharing with their friends, Vinny and Ms. Larkin are super proud of them. Have a lovely and well earned rest over the Midterm Room 2 – but don’t forget to look out for all those magic shapes and numbers all around you 🙂 For more photos please click here!...