Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

First Class Room 9: 2D Shapes

First Class have recently completed a fortnights work on 2D shapes!  We learned all about the square, rectangle, triangle, circle, semicircle. Did you know that a 2D shape is always, ALWAYS flat! We did so many fun activities that helped us to become shape superheros! We examined each shape and counted the number of sides and corners. We constructed squares, rectangles, triangles, circles and semicircles using geostrips and geoboards. We also folded the squares, rectangles, triangles, circles and semicircles in half and coloured them in! Do you know what shape a square becomes when folded and coloured in half? Below is a picture of a circle that the entire class made using geostrips. We worked together as a team to create a circle big enough that would fit the 25 of us! For more photos of our learning on 2D shapes please click...

First Class Room 7: Junior Achievement with Sandeep

Over the last few weeks, First Class have been working with Sandeep from Microsoft. He has been teaching the Junior Achievement Programme to us. Junior Achievement primary school programmes show young students the vast array of opportunities there are for them to use their talents, imagination and creativity when they grow up. Sandeep has been helping them to reach their best potential! Sandeep chose the hands-on activity-based “Our Families” programme to deliver to the children: ‘Our Families (6–7 Years) Our Families discusses the role of families in the local economy. This programme ran for 40 minutes weekly for five weeks. A healthy society means working together. And it all starts with the people with whom we live. JA volunteers use a combination of pictures, stickers, and flashcards to engage students in activities about needs, wants, jobs, tools, skills, and interdependence’ Below is a picture of us with Sandeep, along with our Certificates of Excellence and wristbands! Thank you Sandeep for making learning...

Senior Infants Room 5: Our First Book

What a busy week! We have been working so hard to finish our very first books. We remembered that we need a character, a setting and a beginning, middle and end in our story. Room 5 was a hive of industry as we wrote our stories and illustrated our books. Mr Kinsella heard about our books and he was so impressed that he invited us into Room 7 tomorrow to read to the children in First Class. We can’t wait to read our stories and show everyone in First Class our very first books. Please click here to see some more...

Senior Infants Room 4: Writing Stories

In Room 4 we all became authors, as we all wrote our own stories. We thought about the characters in the story, the setting for the story and something that was going to happen in the story before we started writing. We wrote the story and we drew an illustration for each page. We then gave our story a title and drew an illustration on the front cover. We are really enjoying listening to everyone’s...

First Class Room 7: Predicting

South Dublin Libraries are currently running their Mid-Summer Madness Festival. As part of the festival, invitations have been sent out to schools regarding workshops. First class will attend the “If I Were a Bee” workshop led by author and illustrator Dolores Keaveney this Thursday June 18th 2015 at 11:30am. Today we have been discussing and recording our predictions about the book “If I Were a Bee” and what is might be all about. We will be bringing these predictions to discuss with Dolores...