Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Senior Infants Room 5: Active Week

Room 5 were so busy during Active Week. On Monday we practised for the running race and potato and spoon race. On Tuesday we had a special visitor – Martin from Tallaght Martial Arts. He showed us how to warm up properly and you can see our amazing moves in the gallery. We had our Sports Day on Wednesday, it was so much fun. We loved the parachute and the limbo game. On Thursday we played outside. We were in four different teams and we worked together to build a Lego man, tried to knock down skittles, threw beanbags into a hoop and negotiated an obstacle course. Finally, on Friday we had another special visitor – Melissa from Citywest Ballet Studio. Mel taught us a dance routine to some jazz music. Wow, what an active...

Junior Infants Room 2: Acting Out The Little Red Hen

The children in room 2 have been using The Little Red Hen as a focus for their learning in lots of different areas. In history the children have been developing their understanding of time and chronology by sequencing pictures from the story. More recently, the children acted out the story for each other. One  child narrated the story,  whilst others took on roles as characters such as the hen, the cat, and a duck. This is supporting their learning in areas such as oral language, reading, and...

First Class: Golden Boot Winners!

Congratulations to first class who were awarded the Golden Boot trophy today! The trophy was awarded to the class in which the most children made their way to school actively this week. Many children walked, scooted, and cycled. It was wonderful to see everyone make such an effort to get active. Next week, another class could be presented with the trophy, so keep...

First Class Room 7: Junior Achievement Program

A huge thank you to Sandeep from Microsoft Ireland who gave the children their very first lesson as part of the Junior Achievement Program. The children received their very own booklet along with a set of stickers for it. For information on this exciting, innovative and child-friendly program please click here....

First Class Room 7: Prewriting Information for New Parents

Develop hand skills and hand muscles Change how activities are done to encourage finger use. For example, when playing with Lego® have your child rest his forearms on the table so that he uses his fingers to put the pieces together. Lace buttons with strings (Mr. Price/Dealz). Put pennies into a piggy bank. Play with finger puppets (IKEA). Use small tongs/tweezers to pick up cotton balls. Pegs on the side of a shoe box (clothes pegs – opportunities for maths counting and colour). Cut paper with a safe scissors. Jigsaws and plasticene. Develop eye-hand coordination Roll, throw and catch large and small sized balls. Draw in a colouring book using thick crayons – encourage drawing inside the lines and scribble. Pour, ladle and spoon soapy water into different sized containers at the kitchen sink. Wooden blocks – set a timer. Who can build the tallest tower in one minute. This is a great way to develop hand to eye coordination. Digging and scooping are also activities that require little hands to hold, grasp and utilize their eyes in...