Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Junior Infants Room 2: Clay

This week, the children in room 2 have started to explore clay. Today, the children made lots of different shapes using the material, and used lollipop sticks to cut and make patterns for it. Over the next month, the children will be moulding items from the CAFÉ to integrate their learning with English, drama, and science to name but a few. They will also be making their very own monsters! Hopefully they won’t be too scary. Have a look at our clay gallery for more...

Senior Infants Room 4: Lego

After our visit to the zoo yesterday, the children in the construction area today decided to make a zoo using Lego. The children learned a lot from the trip yesterday, so they knew exactly what they should build in their zoo. They worked really hard as we can see in the picture...

Junior Infants Room 1, 2, & 3: Lifeguard Visit

The children in junior infants were visited by a lifeguard, Paul, on Tuesday morning. Paul is a lifeguard in Tallaght Leisure Centre. He told us lots of things about water safety, and shared the rules that we must follow at the pool or at the seaside with us. We learned that if someone is struggling in the water, we should not jump in, but call for help instead. Paul’s visit really helped to extend the children’s learning on the theme of the seaside, which all junior infant classes will be focusing on in the third term. Thanks again, Paul, for coming in. We had a great time chatting with you!...

Junior Infants Room 3: The Seaside

Room 3 have set up The seaside role play area in their classroom today.  Over the next month they will learn about many things that people can see and do at the seaside.  They will also be learning about water safety and how to keep themselves and others safe while at the...

Junior Infants Room 2: Our Boats

Last week, the children in room 2 finished constructing their seaside boats! Have a look at some of the finished products here! To have a better look, come look at our gallery outside our classroom. Next we’ll have to test whether they sink or...