Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Junior Infants Room 2: Maths 4 Fun Week 2

Maths 4 Fun proved to be very successful again in room 2. The children learned so much from new and returning parents. We are thankful to have so many parents willing to give up their time to come in and work with the children, as it is vital for the children to see the connections between learning at home and in school. We look forward to seeing more parents again next Tuesday.    ...

Senior Infants Room 5: Maths 4 Fun Week 1

Room 5 was a very busy classroom on Friday. We welcomed several parents who helped us play some Maths games. We all had a chance to meet the parents and play games like Caterpillar Counting, Treasure Hunt and Car-Parking Domino. We had great fun and it was brilliant to see everyone working together. We can’t wait until next Friday when we can do it all over again! Many thanks to our volunteers without whom Maths 4 Fun would not happen.   Please click here to see some more photos and keep an eye out for our weekly...

Senior Infants Room 4: The Post Office

Our role play area in Room 4 is the post office. The children have learned a huge amount about the post office, and have really enjoyed writing letters and postcards and posting them to their friends. The picture below shows the children busy working in the post...

Junior Infants Room 3: Tactile Learning

We have been learning how to write lots of different letters in the cursive font in Room 3.  We do lots of different activities to help us become really familiar with how to form the letters.  We trace them on each others back (it tickles!) and trace them in sand trays before we begin to write them....

Junior Infants Room 2: Maths 4 Fun

Room 2 saw a great started to maths week on Tuesday when five of the children’s parents came into the room to work with the class on a variety of maths games.   The children sat in small groups of about three or four and rotated around the room, getting a chance to play all of the games and meet each of the parents. Over the course of an hour, the children explored shape and number, and also practised vital skills such as turn taking and listening. We are so grateful to have so many committed parents in our class, and thank them for making the effort to come in. We’ll be looking forward to meeting some more parents next Tuesday at 9am. Have a look at our classroom gallery for more pictures from maths 4 fun over the next few...

Room 7 First Class: Welcome to Local Student Dylan!

Citywest & Saggart CNS are delighted to welcome transition year student, Dylan McClean. Dylan attends Tallaght Community School where he is completing his fourth year of secondary school, known as transition year – the year between the Junior Cert and Leaving Cert! As part of his studies he has to complete two work experience modules, each lasting 10 days! We are so lucky to have Dylan with us for his second work experience module! Dylan spent his first day with Ms Whyte’s Junior Infants. Today they were learning the sound the letter v makes! As you can see from the photos below the children are enjoying Dylan’s company during their daily Aistear lesson. He is a natural! In the photo below, Dylan is helping the boys and girls in room 2 to complete their paintings according to their play plans. Hope the clean-up isn’t too messy Dylan! Welcome...