Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Junior Infants Room 2: Human Rights Month/Math

This week is human rights month. In room 2, the children are beginning to discuss this topic at an age appropriate level. This week, the children started their discussion on human rights by comparing wants and needs. Initially, the children were asked to identify the things they would bring with them on a holiday. As you can see from the picture below, mostly toys and pets were mentioned.   However, when the children were told that they could only bring one or two things with them, they began to discuss which things were more important than others. Finally, the children were invited to participate in a classroom survey during which they would each decide which one of three things they really needed to take on holiday. They were asked to choose between clothes, their pet, or a suitcase. Most of the children chose to bring clothes, and moved away from the need to bring their pets and toys. It was so wonderful to see the progression in their ideas from the beginning to the end of the lesson, and how well they started to distinguish between wants and needs. This lesson also allowed us to integrate our learning with maths, where we are focusing on data.    ...

Senior Infants Room 6: Ceramics

Room 6 really enjoyed creating their clay tiles. First they rolled out a slab of clay and cut it into a square. Each child then designed and created a clay tile using many new  techniques such as rolling, pressing  and  pinching the clay. Various ceramic tools were also used to allow for more detail. Check out the gallery to see the final products!  ...

Senior Infants Room 5: History with Julia’s Mum

We had a very special visitor today. Julia’s Mum came in to tell us all about when she was small. She showed us some games that she played – badminton, skipping and making shapes with string. She also showed us how she used a piece of elastic to make a jumping game. There was no Internet or mobile phones when Julia’s mum was growing up. She played lots of games with her friends outside. We asked her some questions about the weather in Poland, what school was like and if she had any pets. We really enjoyed listening to Julia’s Mum. We learnt so much and we had great fun trying out some of the games. Thank you Anna! Please click here to see some more...

Junior Infants Room 3: A Day with Dylan

The boys and girls in Room 3 were very lucky to have Dylan spending the day with them today.  Dylan is a local Transition Year student who is gaining some work experience in Citywest & Saggart CNS.  Dylan helped the boys and girls to practice their sounds and writing, played some games with them in PE and even read them a story before home-time.  Thank you...

Senior Infants Room 4: Gymnastics

In P.E. this week the children have started learning about balance. The children were experimenting with how they could keep their balance on various body parts. We quickly found out that some body parts were much more difficult than others! The picture below shows the children trying really hard to keep their...