Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Senior Infants Room 4: King Tutankhamun

We have been learning about King Tutankhamun in history. He became king when he was only nine years old! We imagined what we would do if we were a king or a queen. He was buried in a tomb in a pyramid – ask us about what was buried with King Tutankhamun. Look at us making our own pharaoh masks. Please click here to see some more...

Junior Infants Room 2: Taispáin Dom… !

This week Room 2 have been putting all the Irish they have learnt into practice, finding lots of things around the room when Ms. Larkin calls out ‘Taispáin dom…!’ (show me…) – they are getting so good at their Gaeilge 🙂  They have also been exploring the theme of Community (the people and place where we live) and have been busy in the Doctor’s surgery, making sure Ms. Polly’s Dolly gets better! They made wonderful colourful art works by ‘taking a dot for a walk‘ , creating lots of interesting lines (curvy, straight, zig zag!). Room 2 also made two class charts this week, and discovered that the class’s favourite shape is the circle, and their favourite pet is the rabbit, because most people liked them! Well done on another super week at school 🙂 For more photos please click...

Senior Infants Room 7: Athletics

We have been doing Athletics in P.E.. We have been practicing our under-arm and over-arm throw, different types of jumping and different ways of running. We really enjoyed the sprinting races. Have a look at pictures from our Athletics lesson...

Senior Infants Room 7: A Busy Week

We had such a busy week last week. We went gardening and then wrote about the procedure of planting. We have been looking at length. We have been finding long and short objects, we measured things with cubes and with lollipop sticks. Then we measured each other with lollipop sticks to find out who was the tallest. In science we have been learning about body parts, so in art we decided to make life size drawings of our elbow buddy. Have a look at pictures our busy week...

Senior Infants Room 4: Giving instructions

We have been writing about giving instructions this week. We use the word ‘first’ to start our instructions and we use the word ‘then’ to describe the next step. Our last step starts with the word ‘finally’. We wrote about how to play a game and how to make toast. See if we can explain how to play the game! Please click here to see some more...

Junior Infants: Room 1Inter Belief Week

Room 1 enjoyed learning about lots of different faiths and beliefs during Inter Faith Week. They worked in pairs to create beautiful Rangoli pictures using pasta, rice and lentils which were displayed in the hall as part of the Diwali display. During this week the children were also officially  welcomed into Citywest & Saggart CNS during their Welcoming Ceremony. The children worked really hard preparing for this very  important celebration and both their teachers and parents were so proud of them. Well Done Room 1       For more photos please click...