Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Senior Infants Room 3: Making Butter

The children in Room had a great week exploring how people used to make butter. We learnt about the different churns that people used to use to make butter, and the processes needed. The children were surprised to hear that we were going to make our own butter, however, they were shocked when they realised that ours tasted better than the butter we buy! Have a look at us singing our special song to the butter that made it taste better.   To see more photos of the children making butter please click...

First Class Room 9: A Helping Hand

This week is anti-bullying week in Citywest & Saggart CNS. Bullying is something that happens over and over again. It could be somebody calling you nasty names or giving you horrible hits. It is something that isn’t nice and that happens more than one time. Ms Byrne and Ms Long have been helping to organise it and they are doing a great job. Here in Citywest & Saggart CNS we have five very IMPORTANT anti-bullying rules. They are – 1. We will include others so that nobody feels left out. 2. We will not bully others. 3. We will be buddies not bullies. 4. We will tell an adult if we are being bullied. 5. We will help those who are being bullied. First Class have designed a ‘helping hand’. They have written the names of five people on a hand that they could ask for help in the event of them being bullied. For photos please click...

Senior Infants Room 4: An Autumn Walk

In the sunshine today, Room 3 and Room 4 set off for a nature walk. We were looking for some beautiful leaves to help us decorate our classrooms. During our walk we saw some wonderful coloured leaves. We collected a lot of leaves and we will use them to do some leaf rubbings or maybe create our own leaf characters and animals. Ask us about what we made during art!   Please click here to see some more...

Senior Infants Room 7: The Construction Sites

Last week a construction site came to our classroom. Everyone had great fun drawing the plans and building the construction. The architects planned lots of different constructions like a school, a house for teacher and even Tutankhamen’s pyramid. We also started exploring with clay and made hard hats.     For more photos please click...

First and Second Class Room 7, 8 & 9: Google Classroom Guide

As you know by now, we will begin using Google Classroom to distribute homework for First and Second Classes this week.  For any parents who missed the demonstration or for those who would like a refresher, please click the links below to view a video guide. Google Classroom Guide No. 1: Logging in for the first time Google Classroom Guide No. 2: Examples of...

Junior Infants Room 2: Fruity Photos

This week Junior Infants have been reading a great story called ‘Handa’s Surprise’. In the beginning of the story, Handa wanted to bring her friend Akeyo seven special fruits. In the middle of the story, something happened to her fruit, but at the end of the story, Handa got a big suprise! Can you remember what it was? The class have been very busy weighing Handa’s fruit for her in their scales and Fruit and Vegetable Shop, seeing which fruits are heavier and which are lighter, acting out Handa’s Surprise using their masks, counting from 0-7, and helping Handa to weave new baskets to hold her fruit. In return, Handa gave the class some of her fruit to print with! Junior Infants have also been learning about where our food comes from, and have been looking at different food from around the world, comparing their breakfasts with other children from around the world! Vinny the class teddy was so impressed with all their hard work this week that he left them a present – they got to taste some of Handa’s fruit, and decide which was their favourite fruit- mango, pineapple, mandarin or avacado! To see some more fruity photos please click here...