Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Senior Infants Room 4: Football Skills

Room 4 have been very busy practising football skills. We were working with our elbow buddy dribbling, trapping and kicking the ball. We learnt that we kick the ball with the inside of our foot. Hopefully the Ireland soccer team will be as good as us on Sunday! Please click here to see some more...

First Class Room 8: Our Tree-rific Art

As we entered our last month of Autumn we noticed that leaves were EVERYWHERE, so what better than to turn the fallen leaves in to artwork. In room 8 we spent a long time learning how to draw a detailed tree. We used a video from YouTube to help us with this. It was very difficult so we practiced first. Once we were happy with our drawing we then coloured in the background using oil pastels. (Did you know: Oil pastels give a better coverage compared to crayons). To finish off, we stuck some leaves on to our tree and created an autumnal tree. Have a look at some of our finished work by clicking...

Junior Infants Room 2: Build, Weigh, Birth-day!

This week Room 2 have been busy building with their construction blocks and weighing things on their scales. They carried out lots of experiments, guessing whether objects would be heavier or lighter, and got very creative with their lunches, comparing the weight of their snacks in the photo below (heavy arms go down, light arms go up!) Following on from all their shadow catching and making last week, they made wonderful day time and night time drawings, comparing the colours that we see in the day and the night. They learnt how to recount, by telling their class where they were, who they were with, and what they did over the weekend. They also looked at pictures of themselves as babies, added their birthdays to their class birthday chart, and discussed all the different things that they can do now that they are in Junior Infants, that they couldn’t do when they were babies! For more photos of Room 2 at work and play please click here!...

Junior Infants Room 5: The Doctor

The children in room 5 have been exploring the theme of people in our community. One of the primary focuses of this theme has been an exploration around the doctor’s surgery through oral language discussion, nursery themes, fine motor activities, reading, phonological awareness activities, drama and role play. The children have had great fun singing and changing the words of the rhyme ‘Miss Polly had a Dolly Who was Sick, Sick, Sick,’ acting out this rhyme for the class and in the role play corner during playtime. Our favourite activity has been using playdough to make various objects found in a doctor’s office. Keep posted to see how we continue to explore this theme over the coming month! To see more pictures on this theme click...

Senior Infants Room 3: Yoga

This week the children in Room 3 tried out yoga for the first time. We listened to the story of ‘Frank the Fish’ while doing our stretches. We particularly loved pretending to be on surf boards! Have a look at our photos to see the fun we had doing yoga. For more photos of us doing yoga, please click...

Senior Infants Room 7: 3D Shapes and Construction

This week we have started exploring the theme of construction. In maths we looked at 3-D shapes, we even learned a poem which helps us remember the names of the shapes. If you have any 3-D shapes at home (pringle boxes, tissue boxes etc.) send them in and we can add them to our 3-D shapes display. We also played a fun 3-D shapes game on the interactive white board, why not give it a try here! We made great Lego constructions during play time and experimented with junk art constructions too.   For more photos please click...