Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Senior Infants Room 4: Maths Trail

As part of Maths Week, we went on a shape hunt around the yard today. There were lots of  circles, squares, rectangles and even triangles all around the yard. We worked with our elbow buddy to find the shapes and draw them on our worksheet. Afterwards we counted the number of giant steps between some of the classroom lines. Please click here to see some more...

Senior Infants Room 3: Planting Hyacinths

Today the children in room 3 planted our own hyacinths. We placed the bulb into the soil and covered the top with some more soil. We learned that plants need water and sunlight to grow so we watered them and left them sitting on the window sill to catch the sun. We will keep you updated as they begin to grow!   To see more photos of us planting our hyacinths click...

Senior Infants Room 7: Toby’s Home

A fairy has moved into our classroom. His name is Toby and he leaves us messages. He even wrote a recount for us to read. It is so great to have a fairy’s home in our classroom, especially because we have been learning about different types of homes. We listened to the story of the three little pigs, we learned about different types of houses, different rooms and we designed our own room in a fairy house. We all enjoyed miming different activities we do each in room of the house. Hopefully, Toby really enjoyed watching us too. For more photos please click ...

Junior Infants Room 2: Patterns And Pals

Room 2 made lots of lovely new  patterns with their cubes and sponges this week, pointing out what comes first,  next, before and after. They made shopping lists for their trip to the class market, weighed their shopping, and experimented with lots of magnets, sorting things that are magnetic from things that aren’t! As part of Anti-Bullying week at Citywest & Saggart CNS, Room 2 also talked about what it means to be a good friend to their pals, and made giant posters identifying five people they can go to if they think they are being bullied. Well done Room 2 on a super week at school 🙂 For more photos please click here....

Senior Infants Room 3: Making Butter

The children in Room had a great week exploring how people used to make butter. We learnt about the different churns that people used to use to make butter, and the processes needed. The children were surprised to hear that we were going to make our own butter, however, they were shocked when they realised that ours tasted better than the butter we buy! Have a look at us singing our special song to the butter that made it taste better.   To see more photos of the children making butter please click...

First Class Room 9: A Helping Hand

This week is anti-bullying week in Citywest & Saggart CNS. Bullying is something that happens over and over again. It could be somebody calling you nasty names or giving you horrible hits. It is something that isn’t nice and that happens more than one time. Ms Byrne and Ms Long have been helping to organise it and they are doing a great job. Here in Citywest & Saggart CNS we have five very IMPORTANT anti-bullying rules. They are – 1. We will include others so that nobody feels left out. 2. We will not bully others. 3. We will be buddies not bullies. 4. We will tell an adult if we are being bullied. 5. We will help those who are being bullied. First Class have designed a ‘helping hand’. They have written the names of five people on a hand that they could ask for help in the event of them being bullied. For photos please click...