Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Senior Infants Room 7: Athletics

We have been doing Athletics in P.E.. We have been practicing our under-arm and over-arm throw, different types of jumping and different ways of running. We really enjoyed the sprinting races. Have a look at pictures from our Athletics lesson...

Senior Infants Room 7: A Busy Week

We had such a busy week last week. We went gardening and then wrote about the procedure of planting. We have been looking at length. We have been finding long and short objects, we measured things with cubes and with lollipop sticks. Then we measured each other with lollipop sticks to find out who was the tallest. In science we have been learning about body parts, so in art we decided to make life size drawings of our elbow buddy. Have a look at pictures our busy week...

Senior Infants Room 4: Giving instructions

We have been writing about giving instructions this week. We use the word ‘first’ to start our instructions and we use the word ‘then’ to describe the next step. Our last step starts with the word ‘finally’. We wrote about how to play a game and how to make toast. See if we can explain how to play the game! Please click here to see some more...

Junior Infants: Room 1Inter Belief Week

Room 1 enjoyed learning about lots of different faiths and beliefs during Inter Faith Week. They worked in pairs to create beautiful Rangoli pictures using pasta, rice and lentils which were displayed in the hall as part of the Diwali display. During this week the children were also officially  welcomed into Citywest & Saggart CNS during their Welcoming Ceremony. The children worked really hard preparing for this very  important celebration and both their teachers and parents were so proud of them. Well Done Room 1       For more photos please click...

Junior Infants Room 2: Hands On!

Room 2 have had a hands on week- exploring the theme of the 5 Senses and playing with lots of fabric and fibre materials. They made wonderful textured hands and came up with a great list of words to describe how their materials felt- soft, rough, smooth, bumpy! They have also been learning lots about animals this week, the kind that are found in the pet shop and those that are found on the farm (Old MacDonald is their favourite!) and have even begun to learn about animals that hibernate in Winter.  They also made lovely ‘Guess How Much I Love You? ‘ hugging-hands for their parents, using long instead of short string to show how much they love them (LOTS!) and are getting really good at putting their hands into the mála draíochta and figuring out ‘Cad atá sa mhála?’ i nGaeilge!   To see more photos of these busy hands at work please...

First Class Room 8: Welcome to our Museum

What an exciting and interesting week we had in Room 8! The boys and girls in Room 8 were studying the life of a famous nurse named, Florence Nightingale. This week, we learned loads about Florence Nightingale and her life as a nurse. Did you know that When Florence Nightingale returned to Great Britain she set up a school of nursing? Some of the students in room 8 would like to be a nurse so they can assist people just like Ms. Nightingale did. Using items which were used during the time of Florence Nightingale, we set up our very own Museum in our classroom. We couldn’t believe that the tall porcelain objects were in fact hot water bottles. Look at the picture and investigate our many...