Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Junior Infants Room 5: I Taste with my Tongue.

Room 5 has been exploring the theme of our senses. We discussed our 5 senses and then had a lesson on each sense, becoming guide dogs during PE and even creating the different noises heard in the city and the countryside. This week we explored our sense of taste by doing a tasting session as a class. We tasted the four main tastes – bitter (natural yoghurt), sour (lemon), sweet (chocolate) and salty (salted rice cakes). Can you guess which one was our favourite? We use our senses to explore the world around us. Learning about our senses allows us to appreciate our them as gifts and to come to an understanding about disability. Doing the blind walk and the taste test allowed to take part in in trust building activities.   We really enjoyed learning about our senses. To check out more pictures of our taste test click...

Senior Infants Room 3: Gaeilge

We had a lot of fun this week learning all about bia (food) as part of our Irish lessons. We learnt a song called ‘Tá Teidí ag ithe’ (teddy is eating) and decided to make a room 3 version of it! Bain sult as an amhrán!...

Junior Infants Room 2: Learning is FUN!

Room 2 have been doing fantastic learning over the last few weeks! They became scientists and carried out lots of tests on different foods during Science week. They have also been learning all about their five senses and had a taste test in their class this week with different foods that were sweet, salty, bitter and sour. Which do you thing they liked best? The children in Room 2 LOVE animals- especially their pet fish Sophie and Loveheart, whom they are taking great care of! They set up their own Pet Shop in their class, and have been acting as shopkeeper and customers over the last month, buying and selling lots of different animals, using money. They have also been learning about different types of animals and their homes, and have been building Old MacDonald’s farm animals new homes using their construction blocks during play time. Room 2 have also been learning about how different animals care for their young, and how some of them hibernate in Winter. They loved playing the different animal characters in ‘The Gruffalo’ story, and had so much fun reading the story in class, on their Story Wall, and using their story wheels. Room 2 have also been singing their ‘Gruffalo song‘ in Music, and became music conductors, directing each other to use high, middle, and low pitch voices. They have been acting out the story with masks too, and made their own fantastic Gruffalo puppets in art using lots of different fabric and fibre materials. Check out some of their photos here  🙂...

First Class Room 9: Interview with Mrs Allison Carter

First class have been learning all about the very important people in our school community. There are so many people that work tirelessly to make our school a happy and safe place to be. There’s Ms Doherty our principal, Karen our school secretary and John our caretaker to name but a few. But did you know that there is a very important group of people who work hard for our school when we are in school and when we go home. They are the parents association led by the chairperson, Mrs Allison Carter. Can you think of some of the fun things the parent’s association have organised for us? There are so so many! Below is a list of things that Room 9 could remember from the last year. Family fun day Design a card Shoebox appeal Write a card Valentine’s disco Cake sake Sponsored walk Shamrock pots Bingo The list is endless! First class recently invited the chairperson, Mrs Allison Carter, in to our class to ask her some very important questions. Below is a photo of Allison in Room 8 with Ms Bates and Room 9. For photos of Allison’s visit and of the recent bingo event, please click...
Senior Infants Room 7: Science Week 2016

Senior Infants Room 7: Science Week 2016

Last week was science week in our school and Room 7 were lucky enough to participate in lots of exciting experiments with Dr. David Fitzpatrick. First, we put on lab coats and goggles. We felt like real scientists! Our first investigation involved testing food for starch. We discovered that when iodine was added to cornflakes and bread the food turned black. This indicated that starch was present, meaning these foods give us lots of energy. Then we tested different drinks for protein – 7up, orange juice, milk and water.  The milk turned purple straight away so we knew it contained loads of protein. This is why we drink milk to make us big and strong. The next day we wrote a procedure telling someone how to test a food for starch. We are getting really good at using procedural language like first, then, and finally. During science week we also got learn lots of things about our body and our senses. We have 5 senses – do you think you can name them? We played lots of fun games exploring our senses – check out the photos to see...

Senior Infants Room 4: Science Week

We had so much fun during Science Week. We loved going to the hall and figuring out which foods were healthy and unhealthy , with the scientists. We also did an experiment back in our classroom. We made predictions, conducted the experiment and recorded our findings. It was really fun watching it explode. Take a look at our photographs...