Citywest & Saggart

Community National School

Senior Infants Room 6: Toby’s Lost Boot

Toby our class Teddy really wanted to go for a walk on the beach but lost his other boot. During our science lesson Room 6 investigated different materials that they could use to create a new boot for Toby. Each group predicted if each material would prevent Toby’s foot from getting wet. This was recorded on a worksheet before we began testing the materials. We used rolled up pieces of newspaper which acted as Toby’s foot. This was covered with either plastic, paper, fabric, tissue or net. This was then dipped in the basin for 10 seconds. Everyone was great at taking turns. Afterwards each group presented their results to the class. Room 6 found that Toby would be safe to wear a plastic boot to the beach until we find his real...

First Class Room 7: Predicting

We have reached the second last chapter of our class novel ‘Trouble for Tuffy’. Mum’s very best necklace has gone missing and we are predicting where we think the necklace is. Below is a list of places where the children in room 7 think that the necklace is: flowerbed dog kennel sandpit sitting room Please see some pictures of our predictions drawn on whiteboards...

First Class Room 7: Planting Nasturtium Seeds with Dylan

Today was our last day with transition year pupil Dylan McClean. First Class had been extra lucky with Dylan, because we got to spend two Mondays with him. Today in our science lesson we planted nasturtium seeds with Dylan. Before we planted the seeds Dylan helped An Grúpa Gorm, An Grúpa Buí and An Grúpa Dearg to brainstorm the things that that plant seeds need to grow. With Dylan’s help they decided that seeds best grow when the following conditions are present: water soil sunlight air For more photos of the children working Dylan please click here. The staff and children of Citywest & Saggart CNS are extremely grateful to Dylan for choosing to spend his work placement with us. His polite, courteous and diligent manners have been a wonderful exemplar to all of the budding young learners in Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First Class. A special thank you from the teachers for the delicious Thorntons chocolates! Please come back to visit us sometime...

Junior Infants Room 2: Classroom Maps

Over the last two weeks, the children in room two have been putting great effort into drawing maps of their own classroom. They have identified all of the different items they might include in their maps and taken time during aistear to draw, colour, and share these maps with each other. Drawing maps of familiar environments is an excellent way to develop the children’s spatial awareness and observation skills, which are key components of the national geography curriculum. Maybe you might ask them to begin to draw maps of rooms at...